Tuesday, 7 January 2014


Some references which I could use in my essay:

(Mark Paterson, 2005. Consumption and Everyday Life (The New Sociology). 1 New Edition. Routledge)

'As consumers we are aware of the effects of multinational corporations and their globalised trade networks, and can see on our local high street and in our out-of-town shopping centres and alls that the front line is everywhere. 

The history of consumption has tend to see mass consumption as a response to 'false needs' created by the mass culture industry. With increasing amounts of trade, advertising and marketing at the global level, the effects on the local are often held to be negative, as homogenising, flattening our laical differences and identities in favour of bold, brash and predominately American values and products'  p.59

'Spectacles are rich, complex visual images and environments which convey cultural meanings that are then integrated into consumers' understandings of reality' p.121

'The spectacle is the domination of everyday life by images' p.122

(Max Sutherland, 2009. Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why. Allen & Unwin)

'Like graffiti, advertising has moved a long way from simply imparting direct information messages. Advertising and graffiti often have succinct, clever messages that are not direct statements of information.' p.55